Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Its going to be a beautiful weekend.


No words.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Please, please, please.

Turn up your volume when you click. Oh my.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Our tabe through the years.

: Please go to this website, yearbook yourself, and send your pics to me! I'm digging the fro. The years we have represented here are 1962, 1978, and 1994.

Monday, August 11, 2008

"Google Perestroika Deception"

A dialogue between me and my Sunday evening cab driver.

CAB: So princess, who you voting for?

AVP: Obama!

CAB: Why?

AVP: Because I'm a democrat.

CAB: But why are you voting for him?

AVP: Because I think he represents change.

CAB: What kind of change?

AVP: The progressive kind.

CAB: Please enlighten me further.

AVP: I don't feel like talking politics.

CAB: Ok, you are entitled. But you know, I change my clothes every day and I'm still the same.

AVP: Ok.

CAB: You know that the US government is actually run by the Soviet Union. The Soviets have been in control ever since the US pretended to fight against communism. Voting doesn't mean anything, because you people can never actually change the system. Its the Soviets.

AVP: Oh?

CAB: And you know, progressive is just another word for communism.

AVP: I see!

CAB: Alright princess, you have a good night.

Then he handed me a tiny piece of paper that said "Google Perestroika Deception."
I did.

"Since 1989 the world has been told that the Soviet Union collapsed and that, except for several countries, Communism is dead and the U.S. won the cold war. The reality is quite the reverse. Everything we have seen since 1989 has been a massive and successful, multi-decade long deception strategy on the part of the KGB, the Soviet secret police." (more here and here)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Cool is discovered...

I have an iphone! Yipeeeee!


A couple weeks ago we passed a Doritos Cavalcade from the 90s!
