Monday, April 28, 2008

Inebriation + unsupportive shoes = my bum ankle.

The day began with much love. And it ended with even more. Twas the roomies birthday. This picture is stage 1. Jumping (obvs) for joy in the morning. Jumping had absolutely nothing to do with the sprain.

Because I don't tend to share actual details of the goings-on in my life, I will skip a few hours and a day and take you to today.

Five xrays, an aircast, and a pair of crutches later. I'm almost back to normal. I did discover that I might have a knack for fashioning hospital gowns into evening wear. Smashing!


Unknown said...

glad to know that i'm not crazy for insisting for you to go home( advise you didn't take)! sorry about your ankle.

kasey said...

oh my hell. your jump looks amazing.. if that helps.

MHB said...

....and those shoes do go really well with the dress. i hope to see pics of tricked out crutches if you're using them....