First off, let me clarify that the name of my blog came from a Frank Zappa medley featuring "Don't Eat Yellow Snow." That being said, if I had come across this reader submission before that, I would be even more proud of my little googlymoogly. Thank you Barfy. You are a true pal.
Next, we have some exciting and strange animals from my sister! A warm welcome to the tarsier, axolotl, and dumbo octopus!
And then we have an amazing powerpoint forwarded to me by a coworker. The premise is what certain celebrities would look like if they were from Utah, and it seems to come from this website. As a Utahn myself, it is scary just how accurate these are (not to mention stellar photoshop work) and I think I knew some of these people in the mid-90s. Introducing Sarah Jessica Parker, Sharon Stone, and the Beckhams.
It's a beautiful day here in P-burgh. Two Canada goose visitors have produced a flock of 6 adorable little goslings. And a barn swallow couple is incubating eggs in a nest in the ceiling of the barn. And the horses are shedding mightily, leaving lots of fur everywhere for the birds to use in their nests. Springtime!
Love, B"
Oh, the farm. I love Bets. (these pics are from spring a year or two ago)
When I fall I'll weep for happiness. This past Wednesday I went to the opening night of Endgame at BAMstarring John Turturro ("the jesus") and Max Casella (of Doogie Howser and Newsies fame). It was incredible. A good performance of Beckett is something that will empty and fill your soul all at the same and this one was stellar. Its playing through May 18th and I heartily recommend checking it out.
Next on the docket is an art exhibition at Apex Gallery curated by Dave Eggers. I'm checking this out tonight, but it already looks like something I will recommend. It features a whole slew of artists and writers including Basquiat, Shel Silverstein, Kurt Vonnegut, and Henry Darger. It runs through May 10th. Then a little RJD2 at Bowery!! Other than that, I will be hobbling my way through Cherry Blossoms and might even swing over to Murakami.