Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Yes, its been a while. We have many topics to cover, and yet nothing can possibly beat this gem from my inbox.

Yes, this person exists and I even spoke with her on the phone. RANDO!!!

Ok, so back to the recap. Spent the weekend at the farm. This included what my sister and I have now dubbed the follow-through of the century: a trip to Sandcastle Water park which was definitely a drunken idea the night before. While reminiscing on our trip to the park this morning, I came across this warning!:

Whether or not our visit resulted in said loss of power is a mystery, but it certainly seems fishy.

This morning also presented me with an incredible google-related image. A coworker was trying to remember the name of a bar featuring an underused mechanical bull. Upon searching, this was found:

Yes, this is my coworker.
No, he does not remember this.

If any of you have come across pictures of yourselves on the internet that you didn't know about, please submit! Clearly, you are not alone.

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